You can update the following details by logging in to your MyUni account and heading to the intranet. From the left hand menu, select ‘Personal Details’ and add your details as required.

  • Home Address
  • Term Address
  • Next of Kin/emergency contact
  • Preferred Name (also referred to as ‘Known As’ name)
  • Marital Status
  • Number of Dependants
  • Welsh Speaker
  • Ethnicity
  • Religious Belief
  • Sexual Orientation
  • Is your gender identity the same as the gender you were originally assigned at birth?

To update any other detail, please contact MyUniHub via


We can assist with updating your legal name

Students who wish to change their name legally and have all their records and documents formally updated can do so. Proof of the name change will be required such as a marriage certificate or deed poll.

A student’s legal name is used to generate their email and IT account and may appear in other systems. Changes to a legal name will be reflected in all our records, transcripts, statements, certificates, correspondence and applications. Students who just wish to change their ‘known as’ name should be aware that they will still be officially enrolled under their legal name.

If you are an International Student, please be aware that your legal name must be consistent between your passport and visa. For further advice please contact International@CampusLife.