Your journey starts here...

Health Informatics students around table

Congratulations on securing a place to study at Swansea University

A welcome message from Programme Director Judy Jenkins

Hello and welcome to the MSc/ PGDip/PGCert in Health Informatics at Swansea University Medical School. 

I am delighted that you have chosen to study with us at one of the UK’s leading medical schools both in terms of teaching and research.    My name is Judy Jenkins and I am the Programme Director for the course.   Over the next year or so, we will work together to help you realise your aim of achieving a post graduate qualification in a discipline which is fast moving, contemporary and increasingly recognised as key to success in terms of delivering efficient and effective healthcare.  Health Informatics is the science of getting the right information to the right people, at the right time. 

Our  curriculum has been designed to look at the main issues and challenges facing healthcare, especially when trying to incorporate the intelligent use of information technology (and the data it can produce) into mainstream clinical care.  A degree from Swansea University may help increase your employability, especially in such an up and coming environment, such as informatics.  It will require hard work, dedication, and application to your studies, but the end result will be worth it!

If you have any questions relating to the delivery of the programme, then please feel free to email me at 

I look forward to meeting you in September 2024


 Other Information

Please note that this programme is not available as distance learning or online remote learning, so you will need to be present in the UK and ready to commence your studies.  There is no provision for you to start your studies remotely, and if you miss any of the first module you will need to defer your place depending on your offer and mode of study (ie full or part time). 




Meet the teaching team

Induction Timetable - September 2024

Monday 30th September 2024


As students on this course arrive at different times, induction to the course takes place during the first taught module in October and is delivered by the Programme Director in person (more details below).  

Monday 30TH SEPTEMBER 2024

The first module (PMIM101) ‘opens’ on line on Canvas and you will have access to the preparatory work as the course website becomes available to enrolled students. To access it, navigate to  - follow the on-screen instructions to login. You should see a link to ‘PMIM101- Health Informatics In Context' and this is your first module. Please open this module and you will find a ‘preparation’ link. In the preparatory resources you will find some pre-reading, but also some tasks which need to be carried out prior to the attended part of the module.   You should also take some time read the MSc Health Informatics Handbook, which is also located in Canvas under the section Course Information.  The Programme Timetable (yearly planner) is also located in Canvas and attached to the email.  If you are not fully enrolled you may not have access to these resources.  All other modules will become available on Canvas before teaching commences at appropriate points, usually around one week prior to the teaching week.



Friday 27th September 2024 MONDAY 7th OCTOBER 2024

Reading List


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