5.1   Postgraduate Certificates


The pass mark for all modules shall be 50%.


Failure to sit an examination/redeem a failed module/assessment or submit work by the specified date shall result in a mark of 0% being recorded for the module.


A candidate who is absent from a module shall be required to retake the module at the next available opportunity, within the maximum period of candidature. 


In exceptional circumstances, and in accordance with the University’s Policy on Extenuating Circumstances, candidates who fail to redeem their module(s) during the supplementary period because of extenuating circumstances or who fail the module at the first opportunity during the supplementary period (i.e. as a deferral) may submit evidence of such circumstances to their Faculty/School for consideration. At the discretion of the University Progression and Awards Board, such candidates may be permitted one further opportunity to be reassessed. The reassessment(s) shall normally take place at the next assessment(s) point for the modules at the next opportunity but within the maximum period of candidature.


Candidates failing to reach the appropriate standard shall be given one opportunity to redeem the failure and must re-sit all assessment elements as specified by the Faculty/School.


The marks of all re-sit modules shall be capped at 50% regardless of the actual mark.


Failure of a module at the second attempt shall result in the Faculty/School recommending to the University Board that the candidate be required to withdraw from the University.


Candidates may not re-sit any module or unit of assessment for which a pass mark has been attained previously.


With the permission of the Faculty/School, candidates who are unsuccessful in any modules (at the first attempt) may be permitted to substitute a different module for a failed module provided that this substitute module can be completed within the maximum period of candidature. 


Candidates who pursue substitute modules shall be charged a standard fee, the amount of which will be advised by the Finance Office.


Candidates shall not be eligible for an attempt at redeeming a failure in a substitute module.


Candidates who are required to withdraw from the University shall be given the opportunity to appeal against this decision through the Accuracy of Published Marks procedure or Academic Appeals procedure.


Candidates successfully completing a Postgraduate Certificate shall be eligible for the award of Merit where they have passed all modules and have attained an overall average mark of not less than 60% and not more than 69.99% for the award in question. 


Candidates successfully completing a Postgraduate Certificate shall be eligible for the award of Distinction where they have passed all modules and have attained an overall mark of 70% for the award in question. 

5.2   Postgraduate Diplomas


Candidates shall be required to complete the Postgraduate Diplomas programme of study in accordance with the regulations for awarding credit for Part One of Standard Postgraduate Taught Masters programmes. 


The pass mark for a module shall be 50%.  


A candidate successfully completing a Postgraduate Diploma shall be eligible for the award of Merit/Distinction provided that the following conditions are met:

Award Conditions

Postgraduate Diploma with Merit
  • Pursued 120 credits, a minimum of 80 credits to have been passed/compensated at Swansea (30 credits of compensated failures permitted*).
  • Attained an overall average mark of not less than 60% and not more than 69.99%.
Postgraduate Diploma with Distinction
  • Pursued 120 credits, a minimum of 80 credits to have been passed/compensated at Swansea (30 credits of compensated failures permitted*).
  • Attained an overall mark of 70%.

*Programmes may adopt stricter compensation regulations due to Professional Body/Sponsorship Body requirements.