1. Revocation of Award
The University may, on the recommendation of the Senate, revoke an award and all privileges connected therewith, having determined that there is good cause to do so. This may include where a person:
- Obtained an award due to an administrative error or irregularities in the conduct of the Examining Board;
- Has after investigation, been found to have obtained an award by fraud or deception, including unfair practice.
2. Joint Awards
Procedures for awards made jointly with other institutions will be detailed in the formal agreement between the two institutions.
3. Procedure
Allegations which may result in the revocation of an award shall be reported to the Vice-Chancellor, in his capacity as Chair of Senate, who shall discuss the case with the Director of Education Services. The Vice-Chancellor shall have the following options:
- To refer any case involving academic misconduct to the Director of Academic Integrity;
- To refer cases involving administrative error or irregularities in procedures to an appropriate Examination Board;
- To dismiss the case;
- To request additional information from any person.
The Vice-Chancellor shall report any such cases to the next meeting of Senate under ‘Reserved’ business.
No person shall be deprived of an Honorary Degree of the University except by the Council, and not unless the Council, after consultation with Senate, has determined that there is good cause for that deprivation.
The final outcome of the case shall be reported to Senate, together with any recommendation for further action, such as deprivation or revocation of an Award.
Senate shall consider, but not be bound by, the recommendations of the Committee of Enquiry/Examination Board. Senate shall make a determination in the case including a decision to deprive a person of a qualification or to revoke a qualification if warranted. Senate shall not delegate its power of deprivation or revocation to any individual or committee. The Director of Education Services shall notify the candidate of the decision of Senate, in writing, in a Completion of Procedures letter.
Where an Award has been revoked, the Award holder will be informed to return the Award certificate to the University within ten days. The candidate shall also be advised of the consequences of continuing to use the award following revocation. The University’s Awards database and student’s record will be amended immediately.
There is no right of appeal within the University against the determination of Senate including any decision of Senate to deprive a person of a qualification or to revoke a qualification. The determination of Senate will be final. An aggrieved person may pursue a complaint about process through the University’s Complaints Procedure. A person dissatisfied with the outcome of the case decided upon by Senate may, be able to make a complaint to the Office of the Independent Adjudicator for Higher Education, provided that their complaint is eligible under its rules.
A Scheme Application Form should be sent to the OIA within three months of the date of the Completion of Procedures letter. The Form can be obtained from the Director of Education Services’ Office and/or the Students' Union and may also be downloaded from the OIA website www.oiahe.org.uk. Students should send a copy of their Completion of Procedures letter to the OIA with their Application Form.