The University will review engagement data over the course of the academic year and may amend these engagement monitoring procedures in the interests of student welfare. The University also closely monitors the latest guidance from UK Visas and Immigration and may also need to amend these engagement monitoring procedures during the academic year if regulations change. We recommend checking these pages regularly to keep up to date with the latest information. Students will also be kept informed of any changes via their University e-mail accounts.
Engagement Monitoring Policy for Student Route (previously Tier 4) Students
1. Purpose
Swansea University is required to monitor the engagement of all Student Route (previously Tier 4) students, in line with UK Visas and Immigration (UKVI) regulations as well as the Immigration Rules that underpin immigration into the United Kingdom. As a Sponsor, Swansea University is committed to meeting all of its duties under its Student Route (previously Tier 4) licence. As such, the following engagement monitoring procedures have been put in place, which will assist students in protecting their immigration status.
2. Scope
This policy is to be adhered to by all Student Route (previously Tier 4) students who are currently enrolled on a programme of study with Swansea University and all students enrolled on a programme of study with The College, Swansea University with the exception of students enrolled on the programmes listed below. It is designed to be supplementary to the University Engagement Monitoring Policy for all students. Student Route (previously Tier 4) sponsored students would fall under the following categories:
- Students who currently hold a Student Route (previously Tier 4) visa whether they are in Swansea or outside the UK;
- Students holding student leave before the introduction of the Points Based System;
- Students who have made an application for Student Route (previously Tier 4) leave within the UK using a Confirmation of Acceptance for Studies (CAS) number from Swansea University and a decision on the application is outstanding;
- Students who have made an application for Student Route (previously Tier 4) leave outside the UK using a Confirmation of Acceptance for Studies (CAS) number from Swansea University and a decision on the application is outstanding;
- Students who have made an application for Student Route (previously Tier 4) leave within the UK using a CAS number from Swansea University, have had their application refused and are currently undergoing an administrative review;
- Students who have made an application for Student Route (previously Tier 4) leave within the UK using a CAS number from Swansea University, have had their application refused and are currently undergoing an appeal.
The below programmes are approved exceptions to the University’s Student Route (previously Tier 4) Engagement Monitoring procedures due to the nature of their delivery:
- Certain Postgraduate Taught programmes within the Faculty of Medicine, Health and Life Science have a unique programme structure that features short bursts of intensive ‘block’ delivery and weekly tutorials. Regular reviews of engagement data will be undertaken by Student Compliance Services. These exceptional arrangements need to have prior approval by Student Compliance Services for each programme.
This policy does not apply to students who currently hold leave to remain in the UK that is outside of Student Route (previously Tier 4) of the Points Based System. These students will be subject to the Engagement Monitoring Policy for Taught Students/Research Students.
The Home Office (UKVI) expects students with visa sponsorship from the University to engage with their studies in person. This means that in order for Student Route (previously Tier 4) sponsored students to fully comply with the Engagement Monitoring Policy for Student Route (previously Tier 4) Sponsored Students, they must live within reasonable commuting proximity to the University to attend during core working hours if they are required to do so. The location of where a Student Route (previously Tier 4) student chooses to reside will not, in any circumstance, be considered an adequate reason for non-compliance with this policy. Please see the University’s UK Travel and Accommodation Guide for International Students for advice on local accommodation options.
Students studying on Postgraduate Research programmes are also expected to live within a commutable distance to engage with their research and attend supervisory meetings in-person up until their first submission. Student Route (previously Tier 4) students who would like to return to their home country after this point can opt to submit a “Request to Complete Studies Remotely’’. Similarly, Student Route (previously Tier 4) students who have officially progressed to Part Two or the project/dissertation phase of a September start Postgraduate Taught Masters Programme and would like to return to their home country can also opt to submit a “Request to Complete Studies Remotely”. Please refer to section 5.5 of this policy for further information.
Postgraduate Research students who have completed their viva examination must still be able to adhere to the engagement monitoring requirements defined in this policy and be able to commute to the University if required to do so.
Students studying with The College and English Language Training Services (ELTS)
For students studying below degree level at The College and with ELTS (i.e. students studying at RQF level 5 and below, and those at RQF level 6 on the foundation stage), additional attendance and monitoring checks will be implemented to ensure compliance with the UKVI Academic Engagement policy for Higher Education providers.
Students studying below degree level (at RQF level 5 and below and those at RQF level 6 on the foundation stage) will be required to undertake 15 hours of study per week.
Further details of how attendance will be monitored for these groups of students can be located in the appendix section of this policy.
Policy Statements
3.1-3.2 All Student Route (previously Tier 4) Sponsored Students on Undergraduate (UG) and Postgraduate Taught (PGT) Programmes
All Student Route (previously Tier 4) sponsored students on taught programmes (UG and PGT during the taught element) will be monitored on a weekly basis by Student Compliance Services as detailed in this policy. If the student is in the dissertation stage of a PGT programme, monitoring will take place once a month. Each teaching week or month, where applicable, is known as a ‘contact point’.
The University expects students to engage with all scheduled learning sessions associated with each module or programme of research which they have elected to pursue and will use the data from these to monitor engagement. A scheduled learning session includes, but is not limited to lectures, seminars, study groups, practical classes, example classes, tutorials, examinations, supervisory meetings, industrial placements, field trips or other activities which students are expected to engage with.
It is expected that all students will engage with face-to-face learning sessions or engage with their research from the start of the academic year. Students who are unable to engage with their studies in person will need to consider deferring or suspending studies.
Students are expected to live within a commutable distance in order to complete the academic requirements for their programme of study, as per the conditions of their Student Route (previously Tier 4) visas. Please see section 5 below for information about how to formally request an absence or to request to conduct Postgraduate research remotely.
Student Route (previously Tier 4) students are expected to attend all face-to-face learning sessions where timetabled, unless prevented from doing so by circumstances such as self-isolation, or where a temporary leave of absence has been granted, and attendance will be monitored by swipe card. Students will need to tap their card against the readers located in each teaching room when entering where their card should be recognised (the reader shows the student’s name). Any students who fail to demonstrate their attendance by swiping their card at face-to-face learning sessions over a weekly period will be contacted by Student Compliance Services and may be entered into an escalation process.
Student Route (previously Tier 4) students will additionally need to check in manually via the Safezone app once a week during term time. This will seek to ensure compliance with Home Office regulations to verify that students are on campus. The check-in should take place during one timetabled lecture or seminar each week. Data will be collated and verified by Student Compliance Services.
Where students are unable to attend a scheduled learning session on campus for extenuating circumstance such as illness or medical appointments, Faculties/Schools must be notified prior to the lesson and students are expected to watch the recorded learning session, where provided, at the next available opportunity. If students require an extended period of absence, they will normally be required to suspend their studies and return to their home country and return to studies in the next academic year or next suitable entry point. In such instances, the University will withdraw its Student Route (Previously Tier 4) sponsorship of the student, their student record will be set to ‘suspended’ and UK Visas and Immigration will be informed of the circumstances.
Student Route (previously Tier 4) students studying in the UK must ensure they attend all scheduled learning sessions on campus, as per their timetable, and be mindful that online delivery does not replace the requirement to attend timetabled face-to-face teaching sessions, in line with the conditions of their Student Route (previously Tier 4) visa.
PGT students who have progressed to the directed independent learning stage of the programme will need to maintain contact with their supervisors on a regular basis (at least once a month). Supervisors are required to keep a record of students’ engagement on the Research Management System (RMS) during this period.
During the designated holiday periods for their programme of study as published on the University website, UG and PGT students are not required to demonstrate engagement with their studies. This is because the programme of study has no expected contact points during these times. Please note that there are local exceptions to these term dates dependent on the Faculty/School and course. PGT students during the directed independent learning stage of the programme are expected to study continuously over the summer.
Faculties/Schools are responsible for reviewing engagement data for all taught students and may contact Tier 4/Student Route students with unsatisfactory engagement.
PGT students who are pursuing their programme/undertaking their directed independent learning during an approved extension to their original submission deadline will also be subject to the engagement monitoring policy and procedure. In such instances, when the student requests a CAS (by filling in a CAS application form which is available on request from Student Compliance Services to enable them to apply to extend their Student Route (previously Tier 4) leave for the extension period, the Faculty/School must confirm to Student Compliance Services that there is an academic necessity for the student to remain and engage in studies on the CAS application form.
Where engagement in study is no longer required, Student Route (previously Tier 4 Students) sponsored students must be advised to leave the UK as their continued participation is no longer required. These students must then provide evidence to Student Compliance Services that they have left the UK.
All Student Route (previously Tier 4) sponsored students are subject to the Engagement Monitoring Policy for Student Route (previously Tier 4) Sponsored Students until the end of their programme of study on their student record or duration of their visa, whichever is the earlier of the two dates.
Student Compliance Services will carry out checks of engagement data for Student Route (previously Tier 4) students on taught programmes on a 7-day rolling basis. In the case of unsatisfactory engagement, Student Route (previously Tier 4) students will be contacted by Student Compliance Services as detailed in section 4 of this policy.
3.2 All Student Route (previously Tier 4) sponsored students on Work Placements or Study Abroad elements of their programme
It is a UK Visas and Immigration requirement that engagement must be monitored for all Student Route (previously Tier 4) sponsored students undertaking a study abroad element or an industrial placement that forms an integral and assessed part of their programme.
Placement tutors or coordinators must inform Student Compliance Services of a student’s placement or study abroad location and the duration as soon as the details are confirmed as this must be reported to UK Visas and Immigration within ten working days. It is the student’s responsibility to ensure that their contact details (e.g. term time address and contact telephone number) are kept up to date on their student Record.
Student Route (previously Tier 4) students on a placement or year abroad will be monitored on a monthly basis at a minimum. It is the responsibility of the Faculty/School to ensure that these contacts are made and are recorded on a register. Registers must be provided to Student Compliance Services on a monthly basis or on request.
In the event that a Student Route (previously Tier 4) student on a placement or exchange programme misses an expected contact point, Student Compliance Services must be informed at the earliest opportunity. Student Compliance Services will contact the student for an explanation for the missed contact point. If the explanation is not satisfactory or if there is no response from the student, Student Route (previously Tier 4) Sponsorship will be withdrawn.
Further details on monitoring students on placements/year abroad can be found in the University Engagement Monitoring Policy for Taught Students.
3.3 - 3.5
3.3 Repeat of modules and the 60-day regulation
UK Visas and Immigration regulations state that if a Student Route (previously Tier 4) student is not required to participate in their programme of study (either in scheduled learning sessions or by some other contact) for more than 60 days, the student must leave the UK. In such instances, the University will withdraw its Student Route (previously Tier 4) sponsorship of the student, their student record will be set to ‘suspended’ and UK Visas and Immigration will be informed of the circumstances.
The 60-day regulation applies to all Student Route (previously Tier 4) students who fail modules and have to undergo repeat of failed modules in one teaching block only (i.e. they do not undertake any study or attend any classes in the intervening period) as in the following, but not exhaustive, circumstances:
a) The student has a retake in Semester One and then no further contact is required in Semester Two: the student should complete Semester One as required and then return to their home country for Semester Two;
b) The student has a retake in Semester Two, but there is no contact required during Semester One: the student must return to their home country for Semester One and only return to the UK for Semester Two.
Where a student is not required to engage in study within a 60-day period, students will be asked to provide evidence that they have left the UK (such as a scanned exit stamp in their passport or a scanned air ticket). This will then exempt them from the Engagement Monitoring Policy for Student Route (previously Tier 4) Sponsored Students.
3.4 All Student Route (previously Tier 4) sponsored students on Postgraduate Research Programmes (PGR)
It is a requirement of the University Engagement Monitoring Policy for Research Students that there is at least one formal supervision session/research engagement for all full-time PGR students per month.
It is the responsibility of the Supervisor to record these supervision sessions on the Research Management System (RMS).
It is expected, that all supervisory sessions for Student Route (previously Tier 4) students who are based in the UK will be in-person engagements, unless students are prevented from doing so by circumstances such as self-isolation, where a temporary leave of absence has been granted or a request to conduct research remotely has been approved.
Where students are conducting research remotely, it is expected that at least 50% of supervisory sessions are via a suitable alternative such as Zoom unless prior approval in exceptional circumstances is sought from Student Compliance Services.
All Student Route (previously Tier 4) sponsored research students are subject to the Engagement Monitoring Policy for Student Route (previously Tier 4) Sponsored Students until they have been awarded their qualification or the duration of their visa, whichever is the earlier of the two dates.
PGR students who are granted an approved extension to prepare for and undertake a viva or to resubmit a thesis may be granted a CAS to enable them to extend their visa wherethe Faculty/School confirms in writing to Student Compliance Services that there is an academic necessity for them to remain in the UK. In such instances, students will be subject to engagement monitoring and Faculties/Schools must ensure that supervisory sessions are arranged and recorded in line with the Engagement Monitoring Policy for Research Students during this period.
3.5 Postgraduate Taught students who are granted an extension to the project/dissertation
PGT Students who are granted an extension to the project/dissertation phase of their studies will remain subject to the requirements of the Engagement Monitoring Policy for Research Students and will be monitored on a four-weekly basis up until the point of submission.
If work is not accepted by the examiners during the project/dissertation phase of the programme, and the student is allowed to resubmit, they will remain subject to the requirements of the Engagement Monitoring Policy for Research Students up until the point of resubmission within the time limit set by Academic Regulations for full and part time students.
Students resubmitting their work will be expected to be fully engaged with their studies during the resubmission period and will be monitored on a four-weekly basis (one formal feedback session followed by welfare check ins, students are not entitled to additional supervision) up until the point of resubmission. The Faculty/School or Student Compliance Services will assume responsibility for recording student engagement during the resubmission period.
4.1 Policy and Process for Student Route (previously Tier 4) students
4.1 Taught Student Route (previously Tier 4) students
Student Route (previously Tier 4) sponsored students on UG programmes or on the taught phase of a PGT programme who have no face-to-face engagement with their studies for a week (one missed contact point) will be sent an email by Student Compliance Services reminding the student of the requirement to comply with the engagement monitoring policy and explaining that continued non-engagement would result in the withdrawal of Student Route (previously Tier 4) sponsorship.
Taught Student Route (previously Tier 4) sponsored students who have no face-to-face engagement with their studies for a further week (two missed contact points) will be contacted again by Student Compliance Services with concerns about their engagement, directed towards support services, and invited to contact and discuss their engagement with their Faculty/School.
Taught Student Route (previously Tier 4) sponsored students who have no face-to-face engagement with their studies for a third week (three missed contact points) will be contacted by Student Compliance Services and will be required to attend a face-to-face or virtual a meeting with Student Compliance Services to discuss their non-engagement. The student will be asked to provide supporting evidence if available.
If the student attends this meeting and provides a satisfactory explanation (and supporting evidence if applicable) to explain their non-engagement, they will be permitted to continue on their programme. The student will be required to sign a declaration stating that they will re-engage with their studies. Student Compliance Services will continue to closely monitor the student’s engagement until such a time, where they are satisfied that the student has re-engaged with studies (during the week following the meeting). Students will be informed of the dates of this re-engagement period at the meeting. A student will be deemed to have satisfactorily re-engaged if their levels of engagement remain within the acceptable threshold during the re-engagement period.
If the student attends the meeting, but then fails to re-engage with their studies in person during the subsequent re-engagement period (during the week following the meeting), Student Compliance Services will consider the withdrawal of the student from the University and the withdrawal of Student Route (previously Tier 4) sponsorship in accordance with 4.1.7. If the decision is to withdraw the student from the University, Student Compliance Services will notify the student within five working days of the date of the end of the re-engagement period following the attendance meeting by email to the student’s University and personal email address.
If the student attends the meeting but does not provide a satisfactory explanation for non-engagement, Student Compliance Services will consider the withdrawal of the student from the University and the withdrawal of Student Route (previously Tier 4) sponsorship in accordance with 4.1.7. If the decision is to withdraw the student from the University, Student Compliance Services will notify the student within five working days of the date of the meeting by email to the student’s University and personal email address.
In considering the withdrawal of Student Route (previously Tier 4) sponsorship, Student Compliance Services will review the data from across the different engagement modes in regard to the overall contact points met, regularity of submission, consecutive missed engagement and any evidence supplied by the student and their Faculty/School regarding their engagement in their programme of study. Every effort will be made to take full account of all extenuating circumstances and the challenging conditions students are currently facing when considering whether continuing to sponsor the student poses a risk to the University’s Sponsor Licence.
If the student fails to attend the meeting with Student Compliance Services (referred to at 4.1.3 above), then the student will be withdrawn from the University, resulting in the withdrawal in Student Route (previously Tier 4) Sponsorship.
4.2 - 4.3
4.2 Postgraduate Research Students and Postgraduate Taught Students in the Directed Independent Learning Phase of their programme.
Student Route (previously Tier 4) sponsored students on a PGR programme or in the directed independent learning phase of a PGT programme who miss one scheduled Supervisory meeting / research engagement (contact point) either by being marked as ‘not engaged’ by their Supervisor or where the meeting event has not been completed after the period has closed will be required to attend a face-to-face or virtual a meeting to discuss their non-engagement. The student will be asked to provide supporting evidence if available.
If the student attends this meeting and provides a satisfactory explanation (and supporting evidence if applicable) to explain the missed contact point, they will be permitted to continue on their programme. The student will be required to sign a declaration stating that they will re-engage with their studies. Student Compliance Services will continue to closely monitor the student’s engagement until such a time, where they are satisfied that the student has re-engaged with studies (one month). Students will be informed of the dates of this re-engagement period at the meeting. A student will be deemed to have satisfactorily re-engaged if they do not miss another contact point during the one-month re-engagement period.
If the student attends the meeting, but then fails to re-engage with their studies in the subsequent month, Student Compliance Services will consider the withdrawal of the student from the University and the withdrawal of Student Route (previously Tier 4) sponsorship in accordance with 4.2.5. A student will be deemed to have satisfactorily re-engaged if they do not miss another contact point during the subsequent month. If the student misses a contact point during the re-engagement period, they will be deemed to have not satisfactorily re-engaged and withdrawal will be considered. If the decision is to withdraw the student from the University, Student Compliance Services will notify the student within five working days of the close of the first missed engagement contact point (month). The student will be notified by email to the student’s University and personal email address.
If the student attends the meeting but does not provide a satisfactory explanation for non-engagement, Student Compliance Services will consider the withdrawal of the student from the University and the withdrawal of Student Route (previously Tier 4) sponsorship in accordance with 4.2.5. If the decision is to withdraw the student from the University, Student Compliance Services will notify the student within five working days of the date of the meeting by email to the student’s University and personal email address.
In considering and recommending withdrawal of Student Route (previously Tier 4) sponsorship, Student Compliance Services will review any evidence provided and the outcome of the interview before considering a withdrawal of sponsorship. Student Compliance Services will consider the student’s engagement history in regard to the overall percentage of contact points met, regularity of submission, consecutive missed engagement and any evidence supplied by the student and their Faculty/School in regard to their engagement in the programme of study. Student Compliance Services will then decide whether continuing to sponsor the student poses a risk to the University’s Sponsor Licence.
If the student fails to attend the meeting with Student Compliance Services (referred to at 4.2.1 above), the student will be withdrawn from the University, resulting in the withdrawal of Student Route (previously Tier 4) sponsorship.
Checks will be undertaken by Student Compliance Services for students in Swansea to check for satisfactory face-to face-engagement over a 4-week period and to determine the reasons for the lack of face-to-face engagement in order to encourage in-person supervisory engagements.
Additional checks will be undertaken by Student Compliance Services for sponsored students on a PGR programme or in the directed independent learning phase of a PGT programme at Checkpoint events to ensure that Supervisory meetings are being held in person as detailed in 4.4.3.
4.3 Withdrawal of Sponsorship
If a decision is made by Student Compliance Services to withdraw sponsorship of the student’s Student Route (previously Tier 4) visa, Student Compliance Services will send an email to the student’s University and personal email address, as detailed on the student record, to advise them of this and to detail the actions they need to take.
The student will initially have an opportunity to submit an Admin Review to Student Compliance against the decision to withdraw the student from the University before the withdrawal decision is actioned and within five working days of the decision letter/email (see section 7 below for more information).
Following withdrawal of a student’s Student Route (previously Tier 4) visa (because they were unable to provide satisfactory evidence of their engagement) the decision will not normally be reversed. This is because the student has failed to meet the conditions of their Student Route visa. Sponsorship of the student’s Student Route (previously Tier 4) visa will be withdrawn, as will their student status, and the student must return home.
4.4 Student Route (previously Tier 4) Checkpoint Procedures
To aid the University’s compliance with its obligations as a Student Route (previously Tier 4) sponsor, Student Compliance Services will undertake three Student Route (previously Tier 4) attendance and engagement checkpoints in a rolling 12-month period. These allow further opportunity to analyse engagement data for Student Route (previously Tier 4) students at all levels of study.
Engagement checkpoints are used to take action for students who, although will not have a pattern of consecutive low engagement (and therefore have not been contacted about their engagement previously), may have a generally poor engagement record or patterns of non-engagement and whose continued sponsorship may cause a risk to the University’s Student Route (previously Tier 4) licence without improvement.
A full review of all engagement data will ensure the University is compliant in its responsibilities to the Home Office as a Licenced Student Route (previously Tier 4) Sponsor to and may also highlight students who need additional clarity on their responsibilities as Student Route (previously Tier 4) students. Student Compliance Services will contact all departments immediately before each checkpoint to request any related records or additional information.
For 2024/25 academic year engagement checkpoints are provisionally scheduled as shown below. Student Compliance Services may amend these dates during the academic year.
Checkpoint 1 – Autumn 2024 during Christmas Vacation - This will be a review of all data for Student Route (previously Tier 4) students at all levels of study (undergraduate and postgraduate students, PhD students, students on a period abroad/work placement, students enrolled with The College, Swansea University or ELTS undertaking pre-sessional courses).
Checkpoint 2 – Spring 2025 during Easter Vacation - Data relating to taught students only (undergraduate and postgraduate students, students on a period abroad/work placement, students enrolled with The College, Swansea University or ELTS undertaking pre-sessional courses).
Checkpoint 3 – Summer 2025 during August - UG January entry students and Postgraduate checkpoint. Postgraduate taught student summer monitoring during the dissertation period, a full review of all engagement data held on our RMS monitoring system and request for supervision records from any department who opted out of the use of the standard RMS method. This checkpoint will also include a review of ELTS pre-sessional attendance, March intake Nursing students and students enrolled with The College, Swansea University and review of engagement during the summer assessment period for taught students.
Where Postgraduate Research students are engaging by distance learning (i.e. where a Temporary Leave of Absence Request or Remote Study Request has been approved), it is expected, and the preference, that engagement with monthly supervisory meetings will take place via Zoom/Skype rather than an email or phone call engagement. Students who are found to have less than 50% of supervisory sessions via Zoom will be contacted to establish the reasons and encourage compliance with the Engagement Monitoring Policy, depending on the duration of the leave granted.
Should a student be highlighted at checkpoint, follow-up action by Student Compliance Services may include:
- Compulsory attendance at a Student Route (previously Tier 4) Status Meeting.
- Compulsory attendance at a Student Route (previously Tier 4) Attendance and Engagement Briefing and/or further clarity regarding a student’s attendance and engagement responsibilities.
- Email contact with bespoke warnings/actions outlined.
- Email contact to praise exemplary engagement.
If the student attends a compulsory checkpoint Student Route (previously Tier 4) status meeting or briefing and provides a satisfactory explanation (and supporting evidence if applicable) to explain their non-engagement, they will be permitted to continue on their programme. The student will be required to sign a declaration stating that they will re-engage with their studies. Student Compliance Services will continue to closely monitor the student’s engagement until such a time where they are satisfied that the student has re-engaged with studies (a minimum of three weeks). Students will be informed of the dates of this re-engagement period at the meeting. A student will be deemed to have satisfactorily re-engaged if their levels of engagement remain within the acceptable threshold during the re-engagement period.
If the student attends a compulsory checkpoint Student Route (previously Tier 4) status meeting or briefing, but then fails to re-engage with their studies in the subsequent re-engagement period (a minimum of three weeks, or the next Supervisory meeting), Student Compliance Services will consider the withdrawal of the student from the University and the withdrawal of Student Route (previously Tier 4) sponsorship in accordance with 4.4.11. If the decision is to withdraw the student from the University, Student Compliance Services will notify the student within five working days of the date of the end of the re-engagement period following the attendance meeting by email to the student’s University and personal email address as detailed on the student record.
If the student attends a compulsory checkpoint Student Route (previously Tier 4) status meeting or briefing but does not provide a satisfactory explanation for non-engagement, Student Compliance Services will consider the withdrawal of the student from the University and the withdrawal of Student Route (previously Tier 4) sponsorship on a case-by-case basis and in accordance with 4.4.11. If the decision is to withdraw the student from the University, Student Compliance Services will notify the student within five working days of the date of the meeting or briefing by email to the student’s University and personal email address as detailed on the student record.
If the student fails to attend a compulsory checkpoint Student Route (previously Tier 4) status meeting or briefing, Student Compliance Services will consider the withdrawal of the student from the University and the withdrawal of Student Route (previously Tier 4) sponsorship on a case-by-case basis and in accordance with 4.4.11. If the decision is to withdraw the student from the University, Student Compliance Services will notify the student within five working days of the date of the missed meeting or briefing by email to the student’s University and personal email address as detailed on the student record.
In the case of 4.4.7 or 4.4.8, if the decision is to continue Sponsorship, Student Compliance Services will continue to closely monitor the student’s engagement until such a time where they are satisfied that the student has re-engaged with studies (a minimum of 3 weeks or the next Supervisory meeting). Students will be informed that they are on this occasion being permitted to continue with studies subject to satisfactory re-engagement within the re-engagement period and the end date of the re-engagement period by email within five working days of the date of the missed meeting or briefing to the student’s University and personal email address as detailed on the student record. A student will be deemed to have satisfactorily re-engaged if their levels of engagement remain within the acceptable threshold during the re-engagement period.
In the case of 4.4.7 or 4.4.8, if the decision is to continue Sponsorship, but the student fails to re-engage with their studies in the subsequent three weeks, Student Compliance Services will withdraw the student from the University and withdraw Student Route (previously Tier 4) sponsorship. Student Compliance Services will notify the student within five working days of the end of the re-engagement period following the checkpoint meeting/briefing by email to the student’s University and personal email address as detailed on the student record.
In considering the withdrawal of Student Route (previously Tier 4) sponsorship at checkpoint, Student Compliance Services will review any evidence provided and the outcome of the interview (if applicable) before withdrawing sponsorship. Student Compliance Services will review the data from across the different engagement modes in regard to the overall contact points met, regularity of submission, consecutive missed engagement and any evidence supplied by the student and their Faculty/School regarding their engagement in their programme of study. Every effort will be made to take full account of all extenuating circumstances and the challenging conditions students are currently facing when considering whether continuing to sponsor the student poses a risk to the University’s Sponsor Licence.
5. Temporary Leave from Study, Remote Study Requests, and Requests to Complete Studies Remotely
For temporary leave of absence requests, please see section 6.6 of the Engagement Monitoring Policy for Taught Students. Please note that due to the risk to academic success, requests will usually only be considered for 2 weeks and the request must not mean that the student requires more time to complete their studies.
For Remote Study Requests, please see section 4.6 of the Engagement Monitoring Policy for Research Students.
For Requests to Complete Studies Remotely, please see section 4.9 of the Engagement Monitoring Policy for Research Students.
Students who fail to return to Swansea following the end of an authorised period of leave risk being escalated to withdrawal.
6. Prevention of Abuse of the System
As previously detailed, students on taught programmes are required to register their attendance at scheduled face-to-face learning sessions electronically by scanning their student card against the readers located in each teaching room. The University recognises the potential for abuse of the system with students scanning into scheduled learning sessions for others or scanning and then not attending the scheduled learning session. Any suspected abuse of the system will be investigated by the Faculty/School in conjunction with Student Compliance Services and the following process will apply for Student Route (previously Tier 4) visa holders:
Any student who is found to have given their card to another student to register their attendance, who scans their card and attempts to leave or who scans the card of another student, will be required to attend a series of check-ins with the Student Compliance team to demonstrate their on-campus attendance. This could include the registration of biometrics and the use of the Safezone app. The details of the requirements will be communicated directly to the student via their student email address.
Students who do not engage with this process, or who fail to meet all of the contact points stipulated as part of this process, may be issued with a notification of withdrawal.
Students who engage with this process and are subsequently found to be engaging in fraudulent behaviour once again may be issued with a notification of withdrawal.
7. Admin Review
Students who receive a notice of withdrawal from the University, in accordance with the University’s Engagement Monitoring Policies, may request a review of this decision. Students will initially have the opportunity to submit an Admin Review form to Student Compliance Services within 5 working days of the date of the letter/email to the student confirming the withdrawal decision. The form will be reviewed by the student’s Faculty/School and Student Compliance Servies in the case of Student Route (previously Tier 4) students. The Associate Director: Student Operations or their nominee may review cases where the Faculty/School or Student Compliance Services continue to recommend a withdrawal or suspension at the appeal stage. The Admin Review will constitute the completion of internal University procedures for the Engagement Monitoring Process.
8. Related Documentation
8.1 University Policy
The following documents can be found in the Swansea University Academic Regulations:
Engagement Monitoring Policy for Taught Students
Engagement Monitoring Policy for Postgraduate Research Students (to include Master's by Research)
Temporary Absence
Student Disciplinary Procedure
8.2 Government guidance
The following documentation can be found on the Government webpages at
Student Sponsor Guidance - Document 1: Applying for a Tier 4 Licence 2.2 Student Sponsor Guidance - Document 2: Sponsorship Duties.
Student Sponsored Guidance - Document 3: Student Route (previously Tier 4) Compliance.
Student Sponsored Concessionary Guidance – COVID-19 Guidance for Student sponsors, migrants and Short-term students.